2019 California Trout Opener Fishing Maps, Fishing Guides
Need a fishing guide? Or how to fish and where to fish for trout on the opener.
2019 California Trout Opener Fishing Guides, Fishing Maps, and Fishing Report
See full details of this map on our Top Fishing Blog to the right!
THE MOUNTAIN trout season opens Saturday, April 29, and a million anglers will show at stream side. River fishing is the main event, but a careful look at the fishing regulations is in order. Many of the streams stay closed April 29. For instance, the streams into Lake Tahoe will not open until July. Those that empty into Lake Almanor in Plumas County open the Saturday before Memorial Day.
See our Fishing Maps to the right for Lake Almanor, McCloud River, Fall River, Top 10/Best Trout Fishing Choices, etc.
Yet, the rivers below Almanor and Tahoe open on schedule April 29. So you have to research before you fish this spring, and also decide what kind of waters you want. Do you want a easier outing with more open water? Or would you prefer a tumbling brook with pocket water to sneak up on? How about a meandering creek in a meadow fed by a spring?
Here are some examples:
The north fork Feather above Lake Almanor, from just above the town of Chester to the confluence with the forks of Rice Creek, flows through one of the most amazing lava rock jungles in California. You have to wade it to fish effectively.
The stretch above Warner Creek can’t be reached by hatchery truck, so it’ll always be fished only by serious anglers. You can always venture a few miles west and north and fish the placid forks of Rice, Warner or Willow creeks, which all flow into the north fork and give up decent trout with average energy.
The north fork of the Feather below Almanor is a dynamic stream in its own right.
If an angler wants less of a challenge, (and more company) on the opener he can always fish the north fork along Highway 70 at Belden, or along the forest road heading north to Butte Valley Reservoir. Fishing these stretches is easy and productive for early-season anglers, depending on snowmelt and water conditions from PG&E power making.
Davis and Antelope lakes provide trouting for anglers who fish from boats or the bank; they catch trout without much physical effort
The Gold Lakes Basin Loop (see fishing map to right), Bucks Lake and Lake Almanor have good early season trouting of high quality. The main item for visiting anglers is that these waters are all located within easy driving distance of each other and all can be fished in a single weekend. The entire area in and around the forks of the Feather is worth exploring any time during the season. if snow conditions are right, it could be the best place to open the trout season.
Trinity area, west of Redding: Trinity River -above the lake- opens Saturday, with good access along State Route 3, and few people usually around. To the south, Trinity Lake (see fishing map to right) and Lewiston Lake provide options.
Shasta area: The Upper Sacramento River and McCloud River are always good early-season choices,and if a sudden storm hits, you can change gears and instead try Lake Siskiyou (fishing map coming soon), Lake McCloud, or delve farther into the Cascades at Iron Canyon Reservoir.
Burney area, east of Redding the Pit River opens Saturday, with the best stretch of water below powerhouse No. 3. Alternatives include Hat Creek (fishing map to right), Baum Lake, or the upper end of Lake Britton. Try Collin’s Lake (see fishing map to right)
Want a meandering Spring meadow creek? See our Fall River Map to the right. This pristine gin clear river is amazing but you will need a float tube or small boat. We have private access to this river and 100 more properties for hunting and fishing, fill out form below or go to www.ranchhuntandfish.com
Lassen area: The upper Feather River, the Hamilton Branch, above Lake Almanor has some good brown trout fishing, but they get mighty spooky with a minimum of pressure.
Options are Deer Creek, Mill Creek and Battle Creek, or instead venturing to Lake Almanor, Butt Lake, or for something special, Manzanita Lake in Lassen Park.
Plumas Forest: The Middle Fork of the Feather is one of the top trout streams in California, but access is not easy, requiring Forest Service roads and a hike. Access is easier to the North Fork, but the fish are smaller. If that doesn’t grab you, Davis Lake has some real beauties rising to trolled woolly worms.
Frenchman Lake, and the creek that pours below the dam, provide an alternative if you want to parlay your fishing with a trip to nearby Reno.
American River: The stretch of river along Highway above Kyburz is a good producer for 8 to 11-inch trout. If you want a more remote setting, there are several lakes in the area. The best are Union Valley and Ice House reservoirs. Jenkinson Lake, south of Pollock Pines, is easier to reach, an insurance policy.
South Tahoe: The Carson River, from Hope Valley on downstream, is an ideal camp/fish weekend in a beautiful setting along Highway 88. If the stream is buried by a surprise storm, Indian Creek reservoir is the Option. If you want a more pristine setting, Upper and Lower Blue Lakes are the answer.
Stanislaus: A take your-pick deal with the upper Stanislaus, Tuolumne accessible via Forest Service roads. Donnells (very difficult to reach or get a boat in), Beardsley, Lyons and Pinecrest Lakes are all part of the Stanislaus system.
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